Bursary Scheme 2024/25
Every year the CCA offer five councillors the unique opportunity to receive one of our CCA bursaries. The focus is on councillors from groups who are less well represented amongst our members.
Applicants must be a paid up CCA Full Member, and priority is given to applicants who are part of an under-represented group, such as:
- Young female councillors (under the age of 35)
- Councillors with disabilities
- A councillor in a small Council Group
- A councillor from an ethnic minority
Applicants are invited to say why they believe they should be awarded a CCA Bursary, and how they believe it will benefit them in their role as a Conservative councillor. The closing date is 31st August.
Those accepted to the Bursary Scheme benefit from:
- A CCA mentor to guide and advise you in your professional role as a councillor
- Free all-inclusive pass or day pass at the Councillor Development Weekend 2024
- Free all-inclusive pass or day pass at the Local Government Conference 2025
- Free pass for the Roe Project Public Speaking Course (subject to availability)
- Free ticket to the CCA Drinks Reception at Party Conference 2024
- Priority for CCA campaign grants (if you are up for election in 2025)
We ask those receiving a bursary to:
- Attend meetings, training sessions and events as provided for free, subject to availability
- Promote the scheme and provide feedback to CCA mentor every six months
- Provide a report on your council and campaigning activities to the board at the end of the year
- Write at least one feature for the CCA’s quarterly magazine, cca.voice
You can apply for a bursary using our online form below. Full terms and conditions can be found here.